• February 28, 2023 | Author: Steve Zurier

Turn to Hitachi Vantara’s Cloud Consulting Service Secure Your SaaS Apps

Customers deploying SaaS solutions often think that once they’ve rolled out a SaaS product, they are done. But are they? MSPs can work with Hitachi Vantara Cloud Consulting Services to help SaaS providers make sure that all data and workloads are secure. 

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Customers deploying SaaS solutions often think that once they’ve rolled out a SaaS product, they are done.

But are they? Customers don’t always realize that under the SaaS shared responsibility model, they are on the hook for securing identities, as well as the data and the workloads the data runs over.

There are any number of vendors that can help secure identities, but securing data and workloads as well as managing SaaS apps has become very challenging.

Now, MSPs can work with Hitachi Vantara Cloud Consulting Services to help SaaS providers make sure that all data and workloads are secure. Hitachi Vantara Cloud Consulting Services also helps SaaS providers automate all the management and policy settings. 

ASG De-risks Implementation of Cloud Services

Hitachi Vantara recently worked with independent software vendor ASG to bring enhanced governance to support its SaaS offering. Now, end user customers can know that from a data management perspective, all their data and workloads are secure.    

“We had a tight timeline to launch our new SaaS offerings, which meant we had a tight timeline to optimize the underlying cloud platform,” said Stephen Bell, director of datacenter services at ASG. “We also wanted to apply industry best practices to maximize the security and availability of workloads running in the cloud.”

ASG met with Hitachi Vantara at AWS Re:invent and was interested in Hitachi Vantara’s collaborative and agile project method. 

The Hitachi Vantara team evaluated ASG’s existing cloud resources and helped fully implement the AWS Landing Zone solution ASG had deployed, simplifying the creation and management of multi-account, multi-region environments via automation.

Bell said that ASG, which employs over 1,000 people at more than 40 offices worldwide, will eventually run seven accounts under the AWS Landing Zone infrastructure to support production, test, and development workloads. The Hitachi Vantara team ensured the accounts had security and network baselines based on best practices to safeguard customer information and cloud resources.

“By working with Hitachi Vantara’s cloud services consultants, we stayed on track with project timelines, communications, expectations, and action items,” said Mike Chiaramonte, a project manager at ASG.

Remove Cost and Complexity

The partnership with Hitachi Vantara also helped ASG remove cost and complexity from the implementation and configuration of its new cloud environments.

“SaaS cost models can be difficult to define and manage,” explained Tish Dawson, senior financial analyst at ASG. “The team at Hitachi Vantara provided guidance on how to develop a pricing framework that would ensure customers were only billed for the cloud resources they used.”

Hitachi Vantara also helped ASG remove cost and complexity from the implementation and configuration of its new SaaS environments, thus locking down all data and workloads. 

“With Hitachi Vantara’s cloud services, we were able to avoid any expensive rework costs of the AWS Landing Zones,” said Patrick Wolf, head of SaaS solutions at ASG. “The partnership helped to accelerate our SaaS road map, which will be key for boosting competitive advantage and growth.”

Learn how Hitachi Vantara can help you optimize or modernize cloud services for your customers. 


Image Credit: Hitachi Vantara


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