• November 28, 2022 | Author: Kathy Wilson

Unlock Modern Backup and Recovery with Object Storage

With data exploding, traditional backup targets don’t cut it. Learn how object storage can help your customers meet their backup and recovery objectives. 

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Data is exploding as organizations accelerate digital transformation. Organizations are grappling with serious challenges in three key areas: data protection, long-term data retention and adherence to business and regulatory compliance. 

The eBook “Unlock Modern Backup and Recovery with Object Storage” reviews the risks of traditional data backup and recovery methods, and discusses how a modern object storage solution can help keep your customers’ data safe and continue to scale as data reaches historic levels.

Data is expected to grow from 50 zettabytes in 2020 to 175 zettabytes in 2025. 

Traditional Backup Targets Just Don’t Cut It

To protect data and meet compliance requirements, organizations have traditionally had three backup target options: tape, purpose-built backup appliances, and the public cloud. But how do these solutions stack up against today’s IT demands and risks? 

  • Old school tapes are time-consuming to manage, plagued with hardware compatibility issues, and have very limited durability. 
  • Backup appliances are costly and inflexible, typically locking you into a single vendor and unable to scale. 
  • Relying on a third-party vendor for security and performance can put your data at risk; in fact, many data security policies restrict the storage of business data in the public cloud.

It’s a New Era for Data Protection

Traditional solutions weren’t designed for today’s modern environments:

  • Manual efforts are inefficient.
  • Lack of support for hybrid infrastructure limits flexibility.
  • Management complexity, inconsistent policies, and a lack of data visibility constrain operations and raise costs.  
  • Lack of automation slows response times.
  • Inability to meet governance regulations such as GDPR introduces risk.

In fact, improving data backup and recovery is the number one priority for mid-market organizations over the next 12 months, according to ESG Lab Review: Data Protection, Recovery and Business Continuity. 

With a modern backup and recovery solution, backups complete successfully without issues, and data is readily available with fast access when you need it. Modern solutions need to be safe, affordable, fast, easy and reliable. 

A Modern Solution: Hitachi Content Platform

Hitachi Content Platform (HCP) is a hybrid cloud object storage solution for the enterprise. With HCP, you can store, secure, and protect your customers’ data at unlimited scale. HCP is a modern backup and recovery solution that delivers unparalleled data protection, working seamlessly with your existing backup applications to meet SAFER backup and recovery criteria. 

Download this eBook to learn more about Hitachi Content Platform and the many ways it can benefit your organization. 


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